Tuesday 13 August 2013

For a Girl who loved and a girl who lost :|

Loved by some
I loved some 
but you allways have the one
one u want to appologise to...

I dont want to run away 
run away from here being a coward
i just need to fag
fag to make it all go with the smoke..

U just wish i quit ..quit to smoke 
only for my good u want me to quit
I m 22 i will learn
learn with the time to come

No promises i make coz i might just ditch...
what makes me sad... iz u werent a bitch 
I think i should end it here 
There is nothing much i can share(with the people here)  .....

So my mom wasnt joking when she told me..."u commit mistake that's acceptable  you make a few of them but ...'Never ruin an apology with an excuse' ".What might follow post your truest of all apology is :

"one thing I don’t need
is any more apologies
i got sorry greetin me at my front door
you can keep yours
i don’t know what to do with them
they don’t open doors
or bring the sun back
they don’t make me happy
or get a morning paper
didn’t nobody stop using my tears to wash cars 
cause of a sorry.

There is nothing in the world u can't achieve without getting someone's apology but u want to share your success with the people who cared and would be delighted with where you are today i.e for me success is of no use untill u dont have someone special to share it with.

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