Saturday 13 September 2014

Voice to abstain cigarettes :)

Hi Everyone,

It's been long i have posted anything silly and i hope everyone is doing great...
There is something, something that has changed at 23 there is a change..change in me..I quit to smoke, i believe in god, i made the changes, changes which were long due...

It was 27th of August i had my last Fag with the thoughts bombarding that today would be my last.Puffing with couple of friends smoked an extra one in the name of quitting. This wasn't the first or the last time i tried to quit ,actually i never found it hard to quit because as eventually i had quit it so many times. This time i was serious, serious than ever before even more than i was on the new years eve when i did quit which did last for 10 days. A week that followed i didn't smoke for once, my hands would tremble my heart will cry to get those fingers between that stick of mild's but i would let my mind be on the drivers seat driving my heart and hands so far out of reach.I did booze a few times staying away from ciggies curse but how long could i resist, they(my friends) told me i cant but i was adamant that i would.Then one Saturday i smoked 6 sticks during a night and all that 10 day effort washed down the drain...I had lost ...lost the fight to abstain Cigarettes .

The guilt in the morning was more than the pleasure i felt the night before.It was September 6th, @6 in the morning @Bangla sahib as i  kneel down in front of Guru Granth Sahib Ji there was a voice , voice from inside to consider myself to be the lucky one and to value the life that almighty has given. As i come out of the Gurudwara to take a round by the banks of the Sarovar there were thoughts bombarding yet again as i look at the people around how they have devoted their life to something substantial and i questioned myself are you in this universe to Fag or make it a better place to live and the answer was latter obviously . I was gutted and that was it... I QUIT ! The calm and the self realisation one can have @ a gurudwara , i doubt can be felt anywhere else.


Thursday 5 June 2014

Struggle @ the Top :)

Ultimately in life what do we want to be? I will say happy, and to be happy we want best of both world’s. Professionally you might be blossoming but personally if you are struggling you can’t be happy and vis-a-vis also holds true .Basically it’s very simple to be happy but the fight is how to be simple. Neither we were born with the silver spoon in our mouth nor we have gifted talent like a Ronaldo or a Virender Sehwag that life's a cake walk . Apparently what we do is think n think deep and best part is we are each other’s biggest critic so we have tried to connect our souls with our hands and tried to write something for all the lovely people out there :

Neeti a budding Journalist went to asylum and saw a old man praying alone in the corner and this is how conversation turns out :
Neeti: "hi, sir i am here to meet Mr.Vikram Sharma". VS : "Well, i am Vikram sharma" Neeti: "omg ! you look so different... I know u don't feel like meeting up people anymore but can i have a bit of time of yours ( she said after looking at his Goldy locks which have lost their sheen with time)". VS: "Go ahead with it my child Being an ex PM of this country there was a time when i used to get visits by top actors, politicians and media personals,but now only visits i get is by my doc. and police." Neeti: "All the respect you earned over such a long time was just ripped off from you, and you dint say a word i want to cover your version of the story which dint came out in the public because of media being biased and owned by powerhouses."
VS : "There never is and never was anything to say i deserved what i got and i have moved on."
Neeti: "No sir,Our life depends on it yours and mine.Sir y did you cheat if u actually did?"
VS : "I dint cheat ! "
Neeti: "Hmm..."
VS : "Just tell me one thing if you are being paid 10 crore for doing what you were anyway going to do why wouldn't you accept the money? I was framed
into this, i was asked to do what i anyhow was to do and sting operation was conducted on me and i was thrown into the rough waters.Bastards !" *sigh*
Neeti: "y dint you try to escape the punishment somehow with so much back you had".
VS : "Everybody who was partner in crime left me, i was gutted.So this pretty much sums it up".
VS : "So where is your family" Vikram changed the topic"
Neeti:"My family is in Hyderabad, we don't talk much, they wanted me to get married, but i think this isn't a right time as i want to have a real job first." Neeti: "how do you got these many scars " 
VS: "Usually childhood memories bring happiness, but whenever i see these scars it reminds me of my dark childhood""i was never a bright student because i never liked to study, limitless sky, wildlife always used to pull me.Once we had a maths exam in ninth standards i guess and as usual i dint study much since i was busy counting the stars and wondering world is limitless just like the wants and greed of a human being. Surya who was sitting behind and like every exam he asked me few questions, i told him though i knew they were not right, not that i had a choice as he would have taken my ass out otherwise "after 2 days result got declared i flunked and so did Surya, after the school i was going back to my van praying to god to save me, and Surya stopped me from behind "sharma teri wajah se fail hua hu main, you will gonna pay for this", after few punches and slap they literally started to play hockey with my balls and groped me to death.So i accept though i am the ex PM of this company i have a weak personality and a bad body language.I have failed as a PM and more importantly as a person.So i like it being here because people here are not mentally stable but at least they know that they have a problem not like the world outside these four walls which is struggling to do justice to mentally fit personals. I expect the youth to bring out the change and fly with a Strong personality."
Neeti : Our country needed you to serve for a bit longer ,you are a beautiful soul.Thanks! (Leaves Sobbing)...

PS: Be a charmer and have a strong personality and you will blossom!
-VS21 & AVST

Saturday 31 May 2014

Some Actually DO :)

At this age we all want to make it big
but all most of us do is take a dig
We all have ideas, we all have a plan
but few of us prove to be a man.
We have the money we have the time
but thing we wish we dint have was the excuses we have.
We are crazy we are young ,lazy and swelling our lung.
we all want to make it big but only a few actually do .



So U have an MBA :p

Everybody is an MBA!
Many people get stuck in a financial bubble. It happened to me also. I know from experience that it is easy to identify a bubble when it has already burst and everyone agrees on its existence. But how do you avoid bursting with it, pushed by the “everybody-is-doing-it” effect, when there is no such consensus?
Let’s start with a fact: To avoid getting stuck in a bubble, you should not wait until everybody agrees there is such a bubble. For the many young and brilliant professionals that could get stuck with massive student debt, the risk of the existence of a higher education bubble might be worth deep consideration.
The MBA schools of the late 90s and early 2000s did a relatively poor job of preparing people for startups. MBAs learned how to analyze existing markets, but knew nothing about creating new markets. In general, the MBA education was geared towards attaining positions in large, established companies rather than new entrepreneurial ventures.
At this point, it’s probably not difficult to understand why MBAs carry little credibility in startup world. So why am I even asking the question? Nobody is willing to hire MBA’s because there is, high ROI investment expectations from an MBA side without adding up much to the skills in past two years of course.
Before the bubble burst it’s the high time to look for other lucrative options to own the world J

Tuesday 13 August 2013

For a Girl who loved and a girl who lost :|

Loved by some
I loved some 
but you allways have the one
one u want to appologise to...

I dont want to run away 
run away from here being a coward
i just need to fag
fag to make it all go with the smoke..

U just wish i quit ..quit to smoke 
only for my good u want me to quit
I m 22 i will learn
learn with the time to come

No promises i make coz i might just ditch...
what makes me sad... iz u werent a bitch 
I think i should end it here 
There is nothing much i can share(with the people here)  .....

So my mom wasnt joking when she told me..."u commit mistake that's acceptable  you make a few of them but ...'Never ruin an apology with an excuse' ".What might follow post your truest of all apology is :

"one thing I don’t need
is any more apologies
i got sorry greetin me at my front door
you can keep yours
i don’t know what to do with them
they don’t open doors
or bring the sun back
they don’t make me happy
or get a morning paper
didn’t nobody stop using my tears to wash cars 
cause of a sorry.

There is nothing in the world u can't achieve without getting someone's apology but u want to share your success with the people who cared and would be delighted with where you are today i.e for me success is of no use untill u dont have someone special to share it with.

Sunday 4 August 2013

Out of the comfort zone

It’s easy to get lost in the sea of self-doubt when we forget to take care of our own needs .While it is important to strengthen your self-love muscles, it is just as important to get the support you need from others. Whether this is from friends, family, or a professional therapist, getting reassurance or help from others can make a big difference.Sometimes just the reassurance that you are not the only one who gets stuck or has moments of self doubt can be help you shift a “why me” attitude.What helps you overcome doubt in your abilities?
This dark shadow of insecurity can lead to hesitation and indecision. If left unchecked, it can cause us to abandon our course or radically compromise our expectations.You cannot overcome something until you first recognize and acknowledge its existence. If we give into the temptation to ignore or deny self-doubt, it will impose limits on our ability to act. Self-doubt can be a stealthy problem. If you suspect that it exists, you need to pull it into the light so it can be dealt with. The better you become at identifying hidden doubts, the easier it will be to overcome them. Once we develop a history meeting doubt head on and conquering it, we become much less susceptible to its influence.We are all our own worst enemy for sure. Having others doubt in your abilities is nothing in magnitude compared to our own self doubt. We have to be our own best fan!

If you are feeling overwhelmed by what you perceive as not going so well, take some time away from that project and focus on something totally different. Sometimes shifting our focus away from what we are stuck on helps us take a new perspective when we come back to it.Doodle, scribble, paint with your hands. Put on House or Rap and move around.Self doubt only grows if you feed it. So don’t feed it. A small amount of doubt is healthy, it keeps our egos in check and saves us from turning into narcissistic maniacs, but do not feed the doubt. Keep it the size of a kitten, not a cougar. Don’t feed your doubt. Tell yourself nice things about yourself and your writing. Find positive things to say and refrain from thinking or saying negative things about your writing. Be kind to yourself.

When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” ~ Honore de Balzac

A while back I began to feel out of sorts with my writing. It happened after coming down from the high of creating almost non stop with my inner muse. I noticed that I began to feel down, like the feeling one gets after being at the amusement park when the excitement is over.Creating and finishing my projects had been a wild ride. It was exciting and intense at times. But once done, an insidious feeling began to over take me. We have all created our present situation by the choices we made in the past. If we chose to do nothing, then our situation reflects that. Recognizing that we live in a world of our own creation means that we are responsible. If we don’t like our life the way it is, then we are the ones responsible for making changes so here I  am rising from the ashes of self doubt and insecurities here I am rising above all to pen down another blog for all those 4k people who have shown there love in the past by giving a glance to “Catches and Drops”. There was a time I thought my insecurities could eat me up alive but the time changes and very rarely it does change for good when u are raring to go out of your comfort zone and end up doing something out of the box J

Tuesday 9 July 2013

My WEEkendz :|

It’s been quite a while since i reached out to you guys via a blog ..people who havent heard from me for a while... Hope everyone is doing good ! Have a great day people :)
Y me ? That's the most frequently asked question to the all mighty from most of us.
My recent weekends have been devastating for me ...i ll not go ahead with describing them or telling what the fuck i have gone through ...all i am gonna talk about is ...Life's good till your expectations are realistic and you are content with what you have along with striving for what you want to achieve without trying to be over ambitious.... 

“A thousand disappointments in the past cannot equal the power of one positive action right now. Go ahead and go for it.”

The weekend is for you to utilize in a fashion resulting in your peace of mind. How you accomplish that is up to you, but what’s crucial is planning in order to prepare for the weekend and making certain to change your pace. Your life will seem more fulfilling and exciting if you can distinguish each of your memories — start distinguishing between weekdays and weekends and then you can move onto distinguishing between individual days and moments.Many successful people like to party on the weekends — and that’s okay. . If that means going out on Friday night and downing a few bottles or Sula, then so be it.

Personally, I like to go out one night a week — getting in my excitement and socializing — and then spending the rest of the weekend slowing down before the next week begins. I may go spend some quality time with friends or family, I may do some reading, Rough Gymming or cleaning or just watching some Romcom's and I’m likely to get some exercise(*wink*) as to keep my body’s chemistry on track. I like to take things slow and usually spend a lot of my time sleeping or drinking. I don’t like to rush and I hate to worry; I like to forget all the problems in the world for those two days before reality comes ringing 9am Monday morning. And that is all what i try to do not what actually i end up doing...What i end up is getting screwed up every weekend with some mess and gradually i have started loving Monday's coz that gives me a break from weekend's mess...
 “You must sacrifice the pains of yesterday if you wish to taste the delights of today.”

Every weekend's a lesson ..lesson to rise above all ..basically it's a motivation to thrive much harder to change the times which are hard and are getting harder ..All we have got is hope.That is why I allway's say "i never try to hide the fact that my only dream in life was to be the best ".
